Watch Saw VI Online - Download & Watch Saw VI Full Movie Online

SAW is back and as Lionsgate loves to preach... its not Halloween if its not Saw.. or something to that effect. SAW 6 is no SAW... but its also no SAW 5. So its good but its also not the magic of the original but then again who of us really expected it would be? SAW 6 is a nice step up from the debacle that was SAW 5 and I would say is on par with SAW 4 which I thought was pretty damn good!
The production values seem to be increased quite a bit with SAW 6 and unlike SAW 5 this one doesnt feel like a bunch of studio execs sat down in October and realized it was Halloween and time to try and squeeze a few million out of Jigsaw again and us desperate horror fans. In SAW 6 you have the usual cast of characters and a few surprises and as most of you should know yes Jigsaw is back and I am sure everyone figured out it would be in the form of flashbacks.
SAW 6 is easily one of the most gory in the franchise and it is no surprise that the Spanish decided to give it an X rating... although that is pushing it a bit far I think. Its 18A rating says it all... this movie is gorey gorey gorey. SAW is all about the traps, torture and self mutilation and in that department SAW 6 is no dissapointment.
Unlike SAW 5 this movie tries very hard to bring the story back and tell the tale of Jigsaw despite his demise in SAW 4. SAW 6 is gorier, better written and with production values on par with SAW. Unfortunately despite all this it still lacks the story and the thrills of the first one. The original SAW had a story and an ending that left you crying 'Holy Sh*T' and just like SAW 2, 3, 4 and 5... SAW 6 does not do that.
You know from the start to the finish exactly what you are going to get... although SAW 6 does offer a few neat twists which is a nice treat. SAW 6 is primarily all about the traps, gore and a hefty body count with story being secondary but for most horror fans it will be enough.
In fairness when you consider its SAW 6, overall its pretty polished. It doesnt feel like it was done on the cheap and more then once the audience i saw the film with grimaced and groaned loudly. Its not Halloween if its not SAW and SAW 6 definitely delivers on gore, carnage and really evil traps. Although as noted its not the magic of the original it was a fun trip down a very blood stained road and one that I think SAW fans should checkout. if you liked SAW 4 you will like SAW 6. If you hatedSAW 5 you will at least see how much SAW 6 has improved.
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